Henshall & Sheehy Support Services had carried out the installation of fire rated kitchen and toilet extract system across 286 apartments located at Sadler Close a 1980s built social housing estate. The work involved several steps to ensure proper ventilation and compliance with building codes and health regulations. With the estate being diverse H&S appointed a full time RLA to this site to ensure communication was achieved between management and residences, tackling  a vast number of needs.

1.Assessment and Planning: H&S had evaluated the kitchen and toilet areas to determine the appropriate ventilation requirements. Consider factors such as the size of the space, the number of appliances, the type of cooking (for kitchens), and the volume of use (for toilets).

2.Design: Create a detailed design for the extract system. This includes determining the location of extraction points, selecting suitable extraction fans, calculating airflow requirements, and designing the ductwork layout.

3.Selecting Equipment: Procure the necessary equipment for the system, including extraction fans, ductwork, grilles or vents, filters (if required), and any additional components needed for installation.

4.Installation: Experienced in HVAC or ventilation systems, H&S team carried out the install & mounting extraction fans, positioning vents or grilles in appropriate locations, and connecting ductwork from the extraction points to the fans and then to the exterior of the building.

5.Ductwork Installation: Ensure that the ductwork is installed correctly, taking care to avoid sharp bends or restrictions that could hinder airflow. Proper insulation of ducts, especially in colder climates, might be necessary to prevent condensation and maintain efficiency.

6.Electrical Connections: Connect the extraction fans to the electrical supply, ensuring that all wiring is done according to safety standards and regulations.

7.Testing and Commissioning: After installation, testing the system thoroughly to ensure it functions correctly. Check airflow rates, fan operation, and noise levels to verify compliance with design specifications.

8.Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the installed system complies with local building codes, health regulations, and any other relevant standards. Obtain necessary certifications or permits as required.

Project Details

18 Months
Clarion Housing